Sciatica: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding & Relieving Your Pain

Sciatica: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding & Relieving Your Pain

What Is Sciatica Pain?

The sciatic nerve is the longest, largest nerve running from your lower back through the pelvis to your feet. When it is compressed or pinched, you may experience pain or discomfort, resulting in sciatica. Generally, sciatica gets better in 4 to 6 weeks but can last longer.

Note that not all sciatica is the same. Some symptoms characteristic of sciatica are, in fact, caused by soft tissue inflammation and lead to transient pain, which tends to diminish once your muscles relax and no longer cause numbness. On the other hand, sciatica is often attributed to structural damage or compression between the lumbar and sacral spine.

A slipped disc is one of the most common causes of sciatica in HK, which occurs when one of the discs between your vertebrae bulges out between the bones, pressing on the nerve. The disc is most likely to cause sciatica if it ruptures and may require treatment. Sciatica is the pain spreading down one leg from the lower back and buttocks, and usually, this pain extends below the knee and may reach the foot. The pain in the leg is typically worse than the back pain, and there may also be a tingling sensation or numbness experienced on the skin and weakness of the leg muscles.

If sciatica lasts longer than a week, is severe, or worsens, get immediate pain relief treatment at our Hong Kong centre.

Symptoms of Sciatica

Common symptoms of sciatica include:

  • Pain in the lower back, spreading from the buttocks down to the foot
  • Associated tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness
  • Exacerbated pain after walking or prolonged sitting
  • Difficulty in walking in severe cases
  • Intensified pain and possible numbness when lifting the leg

Causes of Sciatica

Numerous factors can lead to sciatica, but the main reasons include:

Herniated Intervertebral Disc

Intervertebral discs are jelly-like cushions absorbing and buffering the body's weight and pressure. If a disc protrudes, it can press directly onto your sciatic nerve and result in pain.

Vertebral Displacement (Spondylolisthesis)

Any displacement of the vertebrae might compress the sciatic nerve, leading to sciatica.


This condition can cause inflammation of or put pressure on the lumbar or sacral nerve roots, which are components of the sciatic nerve, resulting in sciatica.

Other Causes:

Conditions like hip fractures, complications from infections, tumours, muscles embedding the nerve, or spinal stenosis can also compress the sciatic nerve and result in pain.

Risk Factors for Sciatica

The risk of developing sciatica increases with:


Old age is one of the most common risk factors leading to sciatica in the world, including HK. Many elderly people may experience disc herniation due to long-term wear and tear on the spine, causing sciatica that requires treatments.


Being overweight can increase the burden on the spine, and over time, this may increase the risk of sciatica.

Heavy lifting

Lifting heavy objects with incorrect posture can easily damage the spine. Prolonged use of incorrect posture increases the risk of developing sciatica.

Excessive straining

If the waist area has been injured and not properly treated, it could worsen spinal injuries, leading to sciatica.

Diagnosing Sciatica

To diagnose sciatica in HK, the process usually starts with learning about a patient's detailed medical history, followed by a comprehensive physical examination, which is essential for diagnosing sciatica. X-rays, computerised tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or other tests may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis for the doctor or medical specialists to proceed with a treatment plan.

Sciatica Treatment for Pain Relief in Hong Kong (HK)

For milder cases, the following methods are commonly recommended for sciatica pain relief in Hong Kong. With the body's natural healing capability, symptoms can be alleviated within weeks.

  • Heat and cold therapy: Placing cold packs intermittently on the painful area for 48-72 hours, followed by heat, can help reduce inflammation.
  • Medication: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or pain relievers are often prescribed.
  • Exercise: Tailored rehabilitation exercises based on individual conditions.
  • Surgery: If the nerve damage is too severe, surgery may be suggested by the doctors as a sciatica treatment option in HK. In cases of disc herniation, minimally invasive surgery is performed to relieve the affected nerve. For significant skeletal displacement, besides simple minimally invasive decompression surgery, it may also be necessary to insert a stent to fix the position of the bones. Nowadays, as these procedures can be performed through minimally invasive methods, patients can recover quickly after surgery.

    Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica in Hong Kong (HK)

    Step 1: Anti-Inflammation

    Promote blood circulation, muscle relaxation, and pain relief through electrotherapy; use of ultrasound therapy and cold packs to alleviate inflammation.

    Step 2: Spinal Decompression and Alignment

    Chiropractors can provide traction treatments to alleviate nerve pressure and conduct spinal adjustments to correct joint dysfunctions, aiding in the recovery of spinal joint mechanics.

    Step 3: Exercise

    Strengthening exercises, especially for the abdominal muscles, can support and stabilise the lumbar structure, reducing the chances of relapse.

    NB: If nerve damage is severe, surgical intervention might be suggested, such as minimally invasive procedures to relieve nerve pressure or more complex surgeries involving stabilising the bone structure.

    Home Remedies for Sciatica Pain Relief in Hong Kong (HK)

    If you are troubled by sciatica, you may try the following methods for pain relief at home:

    • Maintain a proper weight. If you are overweight or obese, start losing weight to prevent exacerbating sciatica.
    • Do not reduce physical activity due to sciatica.
    • Perform moderate stretching exercises daily to help alleviate sciatica.
    • Maintain correct posture while sitting and standing to avoid worsening sciatica due to poor posture.

    If sciatica persists, it is recommended to seek help from a professional chiropractor in HK for treatment advice.

    Case Study

    Alden described his pain level as severe, reaching a 10 on the pain scale. Despite consulting general physicians and being prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatories, his condition did not improve. Upon examination, Alden was diagnosed with sciatica due to a lumbar disc hernia. With tailored chiropractic sciatica treatment in HK, his pain began to subside in just 2 weeks. By the eighth week, all pain and numbness had disappeared. Learn more about Alden's journey of sciatica pain relief in Hong Kong.